torsdag den 23. september 2010

Thinspo and food diary

Siri Tollerød
Backstage at Valentino couture
July 2010

Today so far:

1 cup black coffee (1> cals)
1 egg (78)
1 tbsp (oil free) hummus

1 cup russian earl grey tea (0 cals)

1 frozen banana (blended) (80-100)
Some walnuts (100!!!)

2 cups fruit tea (0 cals)

I wish I could undo the nuts :( But on the other hand they'll give me some important oils which I need because of my vegetarian diet.

tirsdag den 21. september 2010

1 egg w. ketchup
1 cup coffee
4 slices aubergine
= 106 calories

Great start of the day!

torsdag den 9. september 2010

Blueberry soy yoghurt (91 cals)
1 small banana
½ cup cereal (50-100 cals)

Lettuce, cucumber, red bell pepper, 3 big olives, garlic gloves (max. 100 cals)

Black coffee and maybe some fruit

Abbey Lee Kershaw thinspo and dieting

I simply adore her body!

From today I'll cut out all bread (except of rice crackers which is only 30 calories per cracker), pasta and similar products. Low carb diets work very good for me. Today I am going to have a vegetable clear soup, which contains less than 100 cals per serving and tastes good as well.